A new study has revealed a surprising twist: nearly 70% of single women would choose their dog over a man if their pet didn’t like him. Yes, you read that right—man’s best friend is still the number one companion!
Dogs are known for their unconditional loyalty, excitement, and affection, and it seems UK women are willing to put that bond above a budding romance. Conducted by Burns Pet Nutrition, the study surveyed 2,022 dog owners in the UK and found that 59% of women would definitely choose their pet over a potential partner if their dog wasn’t fond of him.

But it’s not just women who trust their furry friends’ instincts—41% of men said they’d pick their dog over a woman if the dog didn’t approve.
Why the devotion? Half of dog owners believe their pets are excellent judges of character, with two-thirds of people aged 45-65 valuing their dog’s opinion on potential partners.

So, the next time you’re meeting someone’s dog, come prepared! A pocket full of treats and a good walk might just win you some extra points—both with the dog and its owner.