Beltane Fire Festival 2024
Beltane is a time to celebrate the magic of community and everything that means. We invite you to get into the spirit by dressing up as a modern pagan or in some traditional ancient costume and simply having fun. Forget everyday life and take a step back, forward or sideways in time to when music and dance were/are a way of life and a shared community event.
For Saturday Night Ritual, exciting and appropriate robes would be magnificent.
The idea behind the festival is to immerse yourself in the celebration of the good things in life, those special moments we often take for granted, time spent outdoors getting back in touch with nature, time with friends, both new and old, and the simple things in life we have forgotten.
Experience music entertainment, dancing, educational stalls, creative workshops, roving entertainers, circus skills, fire show, fairy stalls, yummy food also catering for vegan and gluten free.