
Caloundra Quilters 2023 Biennial Quilt Show

Event Contact

user Diane Lyons

Event Details

Event Date
29/07/2023 9:00 am to 30/07/2023 3:00 pm
Event Location
Caloundra Arts and Craft Centre, 5 North Street, Caloundra
Event Price
attach_money $5 entry fee

The Caloundra Quilters are hosting their biennial quilt show on July 29, 9am to 4pm and July 30, 9am to 3pm at the Caloundra Arts Centre, 5 North Street, Caloundra. The show will display quilts in all manner of styles, colours, sizes and designs. Visitors are encouraged to vote for their favourite quilt in each of the 3 categories – Large, Small and Challenge Quilts. Member’s handmade craft items will be for sale along with local trader’s tables and a bag raffle. The raffle prizes include a quilt, a Bernina sewing machine, BBQ and a craft basket with the profit being donated to the Sunshine Coast Animal Refuge. Light refreshments will be available. Entry fee is $5. If you require any more information, please contact either our President, Deb Ridley on 0410356889 or our Quilt Show Coordinator, Faye Carr on 0418716639.
